US: +1 682-313-6736 Mada: +261 34 99 204 07

Tuition & Fees

We are aware that money can be an obstacle for some who desires to study. However, we want to encourage all qualified students, regardless of financial ability, to consider applying at FTBM.

Tuition For Degree and Non-Degree Programs

Application Fee (1)40 000 AR
Computer Lab Fee (2)15 000 AR
Tuition (3)21 000 AR/credit hour (4)

Tuition For Auditing

Application Fee (1)40 000 AR
Computer Lab Fee (2)15 000 AR
Tuition (3)13 000 AR/credit hour (4)

(1) Application Fee must be submitted with the application form. This fee is non- refundable. Payment can be sent by MVola (034 30 153 54 –  Guiliano Steeve) or in person at the office.

(2) FTBM gives students access to the computer lab so that they are able to have Internet connection and access the online student portal.

(3) The tuition varies according to the number of courses the student is taking for each semester. See the class schedule for the semester and the number of credits associated to each class here.

(4) For information, this price does not reflect the real cost for one credit hour. FTBM is able to apply this significantly lower rate thanks to our partners and supporters who give generously to make tuition affordable to students.

Full-Time Student

Any student who is enrolled in courses totaling 10 credit hours or more is considered full-time* for the current semester. Full-time student will only pay the amount for 10 CH (260 000 AR for Online and 210 000 AR for in-person) regardless of the extra number of courses in which he/she is enrolled.

*Full-time: Contrary to common understanding, a full-time student does not mean he/she cannot have a full-time activity anymore (such as a full-time job). Here “full-time” pertains only the student’s status with FTBM.


Tuition can be paid in full before the beginning of class. The student can also choose to pay monthly throughout the semester.

Refund Policy

Application Fee and Computer Lab Fee are non-refundable.

In case the student wishes to drop a class, tuition is refundable according to the following policy:

    • Dropping within the 1st week of class: 100% refundable
    • Dropping within the 1st month of class: 50% refundable
    • Dropping after the 1st month of class: non-refundable

Tuition is non-refundable in any other case than the above.