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Class Schedule

Courses Offered in Spring 2025

Critical Analysis course (CA10120) must be taken as a prerequisite to all other courses (except for Biblical langages and Academic langages). In other words, this course is compulsory for all new students (except for those who choose the Audit program). It is not possible for the student to take any other class as long as he has not passed the Critical Analysis class. 

Biblical Studies

Course IDCourseDescriptionCreditsProfessor
NT1013 New Testament Survey IPart I encompasses Matthew to Acts. It consists of a general overview of the NT as God’s inspired Word in its first century Mediterranean contexts and includes introductory issues (author, genres, major themes, and theology).3Fianarana RAMPANJATO

Evangelism & Mission

Course IDCourseDescriptionCreditsProfessor
EV1013EvangelismAn introduction to evangelism touching on the biblical, theological, and practical applications within the context of the local church. Special emphasis will be given to church growth and personal witnessing.

Co-requisite: EV1011
3David LEE
EV1011Evangelism in ContextThis practicum course involves students in active participation in Evangelism.

Co-requisite: EV1013
1David LEE


Course IDCourseDescriptionCreditsProfessor
CA1012Critical AnalysisThis course introduces the student to the practice of academic critical analysis. It seeks to develop the skills of accurately identifying, summarizing, analyzing, and evaluating the argument of an author or a text.2Mandimby RANAIVOARISOA
LA1210Academic EnglishThis course trains students to read and write academic and theological works in English.0Charissa WILSON