About FTBM
FTBM was established in 2022. It is one of the theological arms of the main Baptist denomination in Madagascar, the Association of Biblical Baptist Churches of Madagascar.We build our credibility on the solid academic programs that we offer, yet we also benefit from the mutual recognition that we have from our partners and other institutions in our network. Our partnerships occur within the Global Leadership Development (GLD) program initiated by Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. This program connects over 90 seminaries around the world that offer mutual recognition of their respective degree program.
Additionally, FTBM is also part of the Africa Baptist Theological Education Network (ABTEN).
FTBM exists to help Malagasy churches to be (or to become) self-propagating and self-theologizing, as well as to contribute to the global theological conversation from a markedly conservative evangelical perspective.
Mission Statement
In order to reach the vision, FTBM is set on a mission to:
- Provide a strong yet accessible academic training geared towards Malagasy church leaders
- Extend the opportunity of theological education to the people of God
- Support the fulfillement of the Great Commission
- Cultivate and advance theological reflection – locally and globally
- Provide a plateform for a sound biblical assessment of socio-cultural and ethical issues (sexual abuse and domestic violence, polygamy, corruption, deviation as the result of sexual revolution, gender roles, traditional animistic practices, etc.)
Core Values
Deep commitment to Scriptures
Faith seeking understanding
Support for the Great Commission
Spiritual disciplines
Interconnectedness within the local church
Global connectedness

Affirmed Statement
The confession that frames everything at FTBM is the Abstract of Principles. In addition, all full-time and adjunct faculty members are required to affirm the following statements by signature:
Our Partners
Organizations and groups we work with to build up FTBM.



FBC Slidell